Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Ever since Capt. Adorable's birthday, when I made him pancakes for breakfast, he's been asking for them on a daily basis. Today we made them again. I say "we" and I mean it. He helps a lot! I measure the ingredients, but he puts them in the bowl and combines them. OK, I stir together the wet and dry but he stirs the dry first and the combo after (plus this morning I needed to add a little extra buttermilk and he stirred in the extra like a pro).

He helps during the cooking, too. Today (we had pancakes for lunch) he was in charge of adding the blackberries (his choice--I prefer blueberries) to the pancakes in the pan.

However, we noticed that the blackberries were too big, so I proposed we cut them. I gave him a knife (yes, I gave my 4 year old a knife, gasp) and he cut them in half. I guess all those times I've let him chop up cloves of garlic and slice olives to keep him busy while I am cooking have indeed paid off.

Once the blackberries were cut, they cooked up nicely and tasted delicious! Here's a pic showing the cut blackberry in the pancake.

After all the pancakes were cooked he asked that we save the rest of the blackberries for when Oma and Opa get here (they're coming on Friday).

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