Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Professional Development, Walks, Holiday Planning

I am kind of at a loss as to what to write. I guess this is why I stopped writing. I don't really have much to say about my daily life right now.

Lately I am trying to start a law practice. This is a complicated thing to undertake. I feel like I know a lot and at the same time, very little. I have more time than experience right now, so I am trying to invest that time wisely by going to the law library, talking to other lawyers about their practices, and keeping abreast of the profession online. A little scary but mostly interesting and fun, and a big job that I am  slowly working on little by little.

As always, I love to spend time with Captain Adorable. I recently bought him a new card game and he enjoy playing it together--so nice to play games with him! I often played games with my brother when I was a child and I like playing games as an adult, but my dear Capt. Obvious does not like playing games so the only person I get to play with is my son.  We're starting basketball in addition to ice hockey (for the social aspect) and I am so pleased to see him confident and happy and running with new friends. Last night on the way home he told me he does not like being an only child and he wishes there was another kid for him to play with. (I wish so too, my darling.)

I endeavor to stay healthy by eating carefully and well, and talking walks. I enjoy being outside--the sky and the trees and the hills are beautiful and being with them calms me. I've been getting headaches often and taking a walk makes them go away.

We are getting ready to go on a family trip (with more than just our little family) soon. The holidays are coming--it is a little sad to see the Thanksgiving food in the grocery stores and have no menu planned for our celebration. I love to cook almost all the time, and cooking special dishes for special occasions is especially wonderful. So, instead I am thinking about baking cookies in the weeks to come! Shall I make rugelach again or strike out in a new direction? I must make sugar cookies...but maybe something new and challenging will appear on the horizon. I am of course planning potato latkes and churros con chocolate. Anyone have a good chocolate recipe to share with me? I want chocolate dipping sauce, not chocolate milk. I sent the holiday cards today...or rather, most of them since I am missing some addresses and cannot send those till we get back from the trip.

1 comment:

Erin Pitts said...

By happenstance, I thought of you today and checked your blog. I haven't checked back in a long time because there was nothing new. I'm glad to see your still enjoying life and your captains! oxox, Ms. Resourceful;)